The Natural Living : Design Thinking Case Study

Karan Desai
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


Hello you awesome folks! I am Karan Desai, a Visualiser and UX Aspirant! Recently I have joined a UX Design boot camp under Growth School where I had given a task to solve the issue of living room in the context of users and here is my short story.

Overview :

Empathize > Realise > Solution > Prototype > Feedback

Stage 1 : Empathise

Here I was supposed to interview my buddies regarding their experience in living room. Basically, I was supposed to get into the user’s shoes and empathise their pain points.

Here I framed few questions to interact with my buddies so that I could get to know about their views, positive and negative experiences, factors affecting the vibes, their dream living space.

Stage 2 : Realise

I interviewed 5 buddies from the team and had an amazing conversation revealing their living room experience. Out of many issues I figured out some of the common issues and wishes and they are as follow.

A) Low Ventilation

B) Natural Feel

C) Awkwardness to ask for a washroom

Stage 3 : Solution

Well targeting few issues from the bunch, I used a fun method called ‘Crazy 8’ where I was supposed to come out with 8 different solutions in 8 mins! Among many of the solutions, I opted to go with the 3 solutions as follow.

A) Full aperture windows for the best possible ventilation

B) The use of natural landmark materials to give out the ‘InNature’ feel

B) Washroom for the visitors to phase off the weird awkwardness to use personal washrooms

Stage 4 : Prototype

Here is the prototype I designed for the above issues

Conventional Room

Conventional Living Room

The ‘InNature’ Feel

The Visitor’s Washroom


The Layout

Stage 5 : Feedback

In this stage, I tested the above prototype with my buddies and received some crucial feedbacks as follows

Good. Liked the windows 4/5

Loved the Natural elements. Can make it scaled to the larger extent of the space 4/5

The idea for washroom is great. The added partition enhance the privacy too 3.5/5

Lovely thought of window mechanism. 4.5/5

Having the sound of natural elements adds to the feel. Good job — 4/5

Major Takeaways :

Making this design thinking project made me realise its always important to know the problem first. And then jump into the solutions. Also the working with team in sync is also crucial.

UX is all about designing an experience so empathising the targets to their pain points means a lot and is a mandatory skill to master

